We are

(Liner Plants NZ 1993 Limited)

Supplying  premium plants
in liners
to New Zealand growers
and around the world

Supplying  premium plants in liners  

to New Zealand growers

 and around the world

Why buy liners from NZ Liners

Top Quality

Our ‘Growing-on-Lines (GOL’s) are undeniably the best choice for plant nurseries and commercial growers, offering unparalleled durability and exceptional quality plants that are unmatched in the market.

Whether you are selling to novice gardeners, Garden Centres or to a seasoned pro, our liners or GOL’s are sure to exceed expectations.

Key Features of NZ Liners’ production

  • Growing-on-Lines (GOLs) in 5cm and 7cm tubes
  • Well established plants ready for immediate potting on
  • A range of specialty plants and some basic essentials
  • Indenting and contract growing is welcomed
  • Fully competent at Exporting plants around the world
  • Renown for Feijoas, Phormiums and Wisterias
  • Monthly NZ Availability List
  • Easy e-mail  sales@liners.co.nz
  • Full implementation of NZPPI Myrtle Rust protocols   

Dedicated team

Our seasoned and committed team of experts delivers exceptional results with our GOL’s. 

Whether you are buying liners in New Zealand or overseas you know you can expect quality plants and first-class service from NZ Liners.

Who uses plants from NZ LINERS

Our Growing-on-Lines or liner plants are young plants that boost your production, saving time, labour and costs. Our plants are supplied in 5cm or 7cm pots which can be immediately potted on, and within a short time will produce finished saleable plants.

We produce most of our plants from cuttings, but also grow from seed and division. 

Nurseries and commercial growers rely on NZ Liners to efficiently propagate and grow young plants that will grow into quality specimens for supplying their markets.